HPlenum box
The type H plenum box is a side-connected plenum box for supply and exhaust air for the Versio range of diffusers. The plenum box can be equipped with an adjustment damper and a measuring device, depending on the configuration required.
The adjustment damper is operated from the front of the box by means of a graduated handle with integrated locking mechanism.
K-factors for determining the volume flow are printed on the damper handle. The plenum box has a low overall height and has internal sound insulation of fibre-free material.
For configuration with an integrated ceiling solution, the box is equipped with a frame and/or a face plate, depending on the type of ceiling. For further details, see the Versio range of ceiling diffusers.
- Can be used for both supply and exhaust air.
- Can be connected regardless of straight ducting before the box
- Detachable damper and plenum plate for access to duct
- The same box is used for all face plates and ceiling systems
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